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Adventures in Greece and Turkey [Lightworker's Log]

Adventures in Greece and Turkey is SAM's personal account of a 2006 trip to Greece and Turkey. This adventure marks the beginning of SAM's mission as a lightworker. SAM captures spirit energies during the trip as her soul leads the way to wholeness by subconsciously transmuting energies no longer in tune with her increased vibration. The trip inspires her to seek and subsequently live an unlimited life, free of disease and discord. Thinking out of the box helps her to create new ways of living upon returning home. This entertaining book will amuse, inspire and arouse your sense of adventure!

Adventures in Greece and Turkey

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Years ago, I never envisioned leaving the United States to visit other countries, especially ones as energy-filled as Greece and Turkey. But destiny has an awesome way of putting us where we need to be. An inner calling to visit these ancient lands made it possible for me to do so after learning of a cancellation weeks before the fully booked excursion began.


Many people visiting Greece and Turkey for the first time will tell you it was the trip of a lifetime. Both countries hold ancient energies waiting to be reexplored by souls ready to return in yet another physical form. This trip, with friends studying The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes, filled with many unexpected manifestations and adventures. Although I had no way of knowing the adventures that awaited me, the trip offered numerous opportunities to expand horizons and begin my new mission as a wayshower.


Readers unable to visit these countries will enjoy reading this personal account. Those who have ventured to these places will recognize them and relive treasured experiences. The book holds thirty-four pictures of various places in Greece and Turkey. I trust you will enjoy reading it.


Arrays of multi-colored diamonds grace my video display amid spots of sunlight. A stream of greenish-colored light flows for a fleeting second, before changing to rainbow-colored rays among white beams of light. Diamond shaped orbs morph into triangles when we near the site’s entrance.


The Lions Gate, symbolizing the power of the kings of Mycenae – a city rich in gold according to Homer – is the entrance to Mycenae’s Acropolis. A fleeting shadow zips by and disappears before we pass. I watch amazed as a member from our group climbs into a small cave just beyond the entrance for a photo. Am I the only one that detects the change in his body’s energy?

Diamond-shaped orbs near Lion's Gate in Mycenae

